2019 Results
Fortune Scholars continue to surpass Sacramento County and San Bernardino City Unified School District in math and English Language Arts, according to the annual assessment scores released on October 11, 2019 by the California Department of Education.
Fortune School is the second-highest performing school system in Sacramento County in mathematics. 39.4 percent of our African American scholars met state standards in math compared to 17.7 percent of students of the same demographic having met state standards in Sacramento County. Our scholars grew more than four times more than Sacramento County as a whole in English Language Arts. African American scholars, in particular, outperform their peers in Sacramento County by 5.8 to 16.5 percent in ELA.

Likewise, Hardy Brown College Prep is one of the highest performing schools in San Bernardino City Unified School District. Our scholars outperform their peers in math and English Language Arts, regardless of race. According to the assessment results, 46.2 percent of African American scholars at HBCP met state standards in math compared to 15.1 percent of this same demographic having had met state standards in San Bernardino City Unified School District. HBCP scholars excel in ELA, 59 percent of our African American scholars met state standards in comparison to San Bernardino City Unified School District's 29.9 percent having had met state standards of the same demographic.

Read more about our scholars' results here.
A Fortune Scholar's Experience
While we celebrate our scholars academic achievements, Fortune School also believes every child deserves an opportunity to thrive socially and emotionally. A Fortune Scholar's experience is a well-rounded one. Starting as early as transitional kindergarten through 12th grade our scholars will experience the following programs from one grade level to the next.
Civic Engagement
College Field Lessons
Social Emotional Learning
College Classes in High School