2022 Covid-19 Safety Alert
Happy New Year Fortune Families,
Please be aware of this important information as we prepare to return to school on Monday, January 3, 2022.
COVID testing is not required to return to campus but is highly encouraged. For those who are symptomatic or concerned about possible exposure, we encourage you to take advantage of free community testing available throughout the county.
SACRAMENTO COUNTY TESTING SITES: https://www.saccounty.gov/COVID-19/Pages/Symptom-Screening_MobileTestingSite.aspx
SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TESTING SITES: https://sbcovid19.com/testing-sites/
Before coming to school on Monday, parents/guardians should screen their scholar(s) for symptoms of illness before they return. If your scholar(s) has COVID-19, is symptomatic with COVID-19 symptoms, or has come in close contact with a COVID-19 positive individual, they must remain at home and test for COVID-19. Scholars or staff who tested positive for COVID-19 during winter break must complete their isolation period before returning to school. Please report illness or exposure to your child’s school. CDPH is currently reviewing CDC’s recent updates to isolation and quarantine guidance. Currently, there are no changes to California schools. Should that change, we will notify all families and staff.
Fortune School is working with the local county education office to secure at-home test kits for all scholars. As soon as we have received the test kits, we will distribute them to all scholars at all Fortune schools.
Each Fortune campus has a visiting nurse who provides COVID testing weekly. The schedule is as follows:
WLCP/EWCP – Tuesdays from 9 am to noon @ WLCP
Fortune School – Tuesdays from 1 pm to 4 pm
HBCP – Wednesdays from 9 am to 3 pm
ARCP/FMS/RMFECHS – Wednesdays from 9 am to 4 pm
TPCP – Thursdays from 8am – 11am
HMCP – Thursdays from 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Scholars must register to participate in on-campus testing. Registration is a TWO-STEP process.
STEP 1: Register your scholar electronically by following this link: https://quicktest.labxchange.io/patientintakequeue?testguid=ABEC99A79B184FF
If you prefer, you may scan the QR code with your smartphone to register on the HIPAA-compliant portal:
As you navigate the registration form, YOU must CLICK THE THIRD BOX AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FORM:
STEP 2: Complete the attached consent form and return it to your child’s school. Scholars cannot be tested, even if registered, without this consent form.